The 2021-2024 Quadrennial Priorities

THEME: Justice and Righteousness

GOD’S WORD: The Lord God has told us what is right and what he demands: “See that justice is done, let mercy be your first concern, and humbly obey your God.” Micah 6:8 CEV

Acting justly is rooted in what is right as it relates to our relationship with God and lived out in our relationship with each other and in our stewardship over creation. God has shown us what is good and what is required to do justly, to love mercy, to walk humbly (under God’s leadership). 4In these days and times, the world has seen an increasingly public display and demonstration of the many ways humans have found to harm one another. Played out on a global scale from the highest of government positions to the everyday-ness of what it means to be a neighbor, the injustices of racism, sexism, homophobia, ageism, unbridled capitalism, and inequitable power have entrenched hatred and evil from our foundational institutions to our interpersonal interactions. Church Women United (CWU) has a special role to enact a distinct form of hope into what could otherwise be seen as intractable despair.

CWU, as an organization and as a community of church women, is poised to use its collective, regional, and local influence and numbers to mobilize human, economic, legislative, and educational capital for the focused purpose of cultivating mutual good for all human beings – in other words – to bring about true justice as a foundation for producing and protecting true peace.

The Action and Global Concerns committee has found itself with a unique opportunity to create anew an action plan to tackle some of what we’re calling, “momentum points.” Momentum points are areas of content and strategy that lead to building the momentum needed to dislodge the power of the status quo and construct new ways of being for mutual human flourishing. Taking seriously that no one organization can tackle all that needs to be “fixed” in the world, we have constructed a template by which we can methodically and intentionally address “momentum points” to garner the greatest shifts toward justice; which can then be contextualized by individual units who will work individually and in partnerships in their areas. The following provides a template to be used as a guide toward such work. May the blessings of God be with us and correct us as we do the work of God in the world and become more and more who we’ve been divinely created to be. AMEN.